Welcome! If you're here, you're likely looking to quality check your replica AirPods or considering purchasing authentic ones. This section will guide you on discerning between retail and replica AirPods, from simple to advanced methods. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
This section was once more detailed, but as replicas have become more sophisticated, it's increasingly difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake AirPods. Our best advice for ensuring authenticity is to purchase your AirPods from a reputable seller.
Checking Design Flaws
Hinge Color: Compare the color of the hinge on the case to reference pictures. You can use this image for first and second generation AirPods and this image for AirPods Pro.
Button Alignment: Check if the button on the case is flush with the rest of the case. If it's not, your AirPods may be replicas. In authentic AirPods, the button should be flush with the case.
Cable Alignment: Ensure that the cable fits snugly and fully into the case, as shown in this picture. If the cable protrudes even slightly, it's likely a replica.
Software: : A key indicator of a replica is the absence or malfunction of the "Find My Precision Feature." When you pair the AirPods with your phone and access the "Find My" app, genuine AirPods should support precision finding. If the option is missing or doesn't function properly, it's a strong sign that the AirPods are not authentic.
Markings: To verify the authenticity of your AirPods, one of the most reliable methods is to inspect the regulatory markings located on the inner upper part of the AirPods case. These markings vary by region and can help determine whether the AirPods are genuine. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Region | Country/Area | Regulatory Mark |
USA | United States | FCC ID, "Designed by Apple in California" |
Europe | EU Countries | CE (Conformité Européenne), WEEE |
Asia | China | CCC (China Compulsory Certificate) |
South Korea | KC (Korea Certification) | |
Japan | MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) | |
India | BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) | |
Oceania | Australia, New Zealand | RCM (Regulatory Compliance Mark) |
Canada | Canada | IC (Industry Canada) |
Middle East | Saudi Arabia | SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization) |
UAE | ESMA (Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology) | |
Latin America | Brazil | Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) |
Mexico | IFT (Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones) | |
Russia and CIS | Russia, CIS countries | EAC (Eurasian Conformity) |
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